Stay A2P and 10DLC Compliant with LeadsLogik

Navigating the world of A2P messaging compliance can be complex, but with LeadsLogik, you’re never alone. We’ve got you covered.

๐Ÿ“˜ Free A2P Compliance Course
We believe in empowering our clients. That’s why we offer a comprehensive course on A2P compliance. Learn the ins and outs of the regulations, and how to ensure your messaging campaigns remain compliant.

๐Ÿ›  Hands-Free Compliance Setup
Don’t have the time or resources to handle compliance on your own? No worries. Our team can set up your system to be A2P compliant, ensuring you can send messages with peace of mind.

๐Ÿ”’ Stay Updated, Stay Safe
Regulations can change, but our commitment to you doesn’t. We continuously monitor A2P regulations and update our systems and courses accordingly. With LeadsLogik, you’re always in the know.

๐Ÿ“ž Dedicated Support
Questions about A2P compliance? Our dedicated support team is here to help. Whether you’ve taken our course or use our hands-free setup service, we’re always here to assist.

Choose LeadsLogik. Choose Compliance.
Join the hundreds of businesses that trust us to keep their messaging compliant. Get started today.

What is A2P Messaging & 10DLC? A Simple Breakdown

Ever received a text notification from your bank about a transaction? Or a reminder from your dentist about an upcoming appointment? That’s A2P in action!

๐Ÿ“ฑ A2P Stands for “Application-to-Person”
In simple terms, it’s when a computer (or application) sends you a text message. Unlike the usual person-to-person texting we do daily, A2P is how businesses communicate with us via SMS.

๐ŸŒ Why is it Everywhere?
Businesses love A2P because it’s direct and most people read their texts quickly. It’s perfect for sending timely notifications, reminders, or marketing messages.

๐Ÿ”ข Enter 10DLC
10DLC, or 10-Digit Long Code, is like a phone number specifically designed for A2P messaging. It allows businesses to send messages without using the short codes we often see in ads. Plus, it’s more trusted and can send lots of messages quickly.

๐Ÿ›ก But, There are Rules!
Just like there are rules for telemarketing calls, there are regulations for A2P messaging to protect us from spam and unwanted messages. That’s where A2P compliance comes in.

In a Nutshell:
A2P is how businesses talk to us through texts, and 10DLC is the special phone number they use. And if you’re a business, we’re here to help you navigate the rules and make the most of it!